Maheeda fires back at
Charles Novia…
Maheeda has fired back at Nollywood producer Charles Novia, days after he wrote
an article criticizing her constant show of nudity on social media. Maheeda's
tweet above. See Charles Novia's article after the cut...
maladjustment'. By Charles Novia
the past few months, some prominent and other bandwagon bloggers have been
inundating the social media space with inappropriate pictures of a confused
personality called Maheeda.
scanty information available about the lady, she used to be a prostitute who
got ‘converted’ into Christianity and later released a Gospel album or some
singles. Somehow, she decided to straddle the pop culture horse and brought out
some nifty singles and videos which found backwater acceptance on Youtube.
is also reported to be married to a white dude and she is presumed to be
presently living in a European country with the man and her daughter (or
divorced or separated from him as some reports say) I took little pains to do
this background research on her so as to be well-informed about the next few
points I would make about her behaviour.
Maheeda started posting suggestive pictures of her body on her instagram page
which caught the interest of Nigerian bloggers. Since blogging is generally an
acceptable form of lazy journalism and tittle-tattling in Nigeria, Maheeda’s
pictures got the desired attention she wanted. Either by a covert or overt
payment to leading bloggers to keep her in the news (as it is wont in Nigerian
cyberspace) or a calculated ploy to garner more hits to their sites, the
bloggers went all the way out with more indulging pictures of the young lady.
And she was ever willing to give more and cheerfully too with no intention by
me to denigrate her past profession by this phrase.
suggestive pictures of her near unclad body parts, the young lady went on a
visual spree of debased pictures of herself and with the lecherous or amused
oogling of social media commentators, she finally threw whatever was left of
her indiscreet womanhood and posted wanton naked pictures of herself on instagram.
Blogosphere went crazy in Nigeria with repressed hypocites heaping accolades or
abuses at her or ravished reprobates asking her to carry on!
finally had enough a few days ago and deleted her account for good for crossing
boundaries of (in)decency, perhaps.
is instructive to psycho-analyse negative trenders such as Maheeda who have
decided to gain cheap or compulsory notoriety by posting pictures of their
nakedness on social networks. Granted, there were others before her based in
Nigeria or somewhere in America , some older Nanny Goats who threw decorum to
the wind as well and posted pictures of drooping breasts and disgusting
backsides in a bid to gain unfathomable attention. Did Maheeda learn from them?
Or did she decide to improve on their art ( or rather, their tart!)?.
the reasons are, we all should be worried about this growing trend where
shamelessness and wanton exposure of Nigerian women is fast becoming the order
of the day. The children see all these things and I shudder to think of what is
going to happen in our social space in a few years. A replication or cloning of
millions of Maheedas and her likes is probably inevitable.
yes, there are some who would react angrily to the fears I have expressed here
and post comments under ‘Anonymous’ name tags on some blogs where this article
would find amplification and vilify me and not my points. For such missing
links, you are entitled to your putrid opinions in the closets of your
anonimity where cowards and bullies find voice.
the fact remains that you who support and urge the Maheedas of this clime to
carry on with the de-mystification of all that is dear and sacrosanctwomanhood,
are no better than she is. You are intertwined in the pugnancy of her putrid
purpose. You both are destroyers of the last remnants of the African woman’s
mystique and majesty. You support and encourage her to destroy your children’s
moral future. That is just the plain truth.
may not know much about psychology or psychosis but I am willing to bet that
Mrs Maheeda is in the early stages of bi-polarism. It is possible that she is
using the pictures to Jekyll and Hyde her mental health issues. Mercifully, she
lives in a Western society where it is only a matter of time where her total
sanity would be called to question.
if Maheeda is not ill, then what is her plan? Is she possessed by a legion of
seventy times seven demons after her earlier conversion to Christianity? Or is
she just being plain silly? If she is being silly, then the blogs and websites
which amplified her silly whims have a moral question to answer.
Maheeda is not the only by-product of a jaundiced country. We have her likes in
the National affairs of this country. Only, those types don’t have to post
their pictures for us to see. They are already naked dancers in the ruinous
chambers of national leadership. They and the mad ones before them inflicted
the pain on the social fibre of Nigeria which Maheeda was unfortunate to grow
up in. Their naked dances of greed and corruption turned Maheeda and millions
like her into Prostitutes to eke a daily living. Maheeda could well be paying
back the society with her nakedness, spoiling the children of the new Nigeria
as a vengeance eats her. She just might be saying, ‘ as una spoil my life, me
sef go spoil una pikin own’. And stupidly the children of her vengeful mission
oogle and applaud.
is not also far-fetched too that Maheeda might be using the naked pictures of
herself as a new form of visual prostitution. Selling her body , now revamped
and refurbished in a new clime, to her former clients as if to call them out.
She might be saying, ‘You can’t have this now. I have gone to another level’.
she has reached a new level. An all-time low of self-destruction in a gradual
process. But knowing the society in which I live and where she comes from, her
destruction may be pyrhic: the sick social society would soon invite her to red
carpet functions and events. Soon, she just might be signing autographs and
strutting societal streets of false adulation.
she would have have the last laugh. Or perhaps maybe society and fate have one
last wince to elicit from her. Time has a way of telling, though.
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